Atlantic City casino The Borgata is suing professional poker player Phil Ivey. The Borgata claims that the $9.6 million Ivey won at the casino in 2012 was won through cheating. The casino claims Ivey “manipulated a defect in the playing cards through a special manner of dealing that he requested.” The lawsuit claims that Ivey was assisted in the scheme by an associate who spoke Mandarin Chinese with the dealer. Ivey asked that the cards be dealt in a special manner because of “superstition.” His assistant told the dealer “how to turn the cards as they were dealt.”
Last year, Ivey was accused of cheating by Crockfords, a British casino. Ivey sued Crockfords to collect his winnings but the case is still pending. While Ivey says he did not cheat in New Jersey or London he does view the casinos as opponents. He explained: “It’s my job to try to exploit weaknesses in the house and try to give myself the best opportunity to win.”