Surefire NFL Hall-of-Famer Tom Brady just posted his old resume on Facebook and it looks just like any other college kid’s attempt to latch onto the world. Yup, like all recent grads who haven’t worked much it starts out with EDUCATION–four bullet points there: the last one mentions Big Ten Football. (Awarded Academic All-Big Ten for Football 1998). He worked at a golf course. Make that two golf courses. A little construction (Dudlar and Sons Custom Home Building). Way down at the bottom, under ADDITIONAL, it mentions “Elected Team Captain of the 1999 University of Michigan Football Team” and “Guided football team as starting quarterback to the 1998 Big Ten Championship.”
It’s there in ADDITIONAL that he mentions being a “Frequent Visitor of Mott’s Children (sic) Hospital in Ann Arbor.” He sounds like a nice kid. Good GPA, too. He’d probably have landed on Wall Street. But he got drafted by the New England Patriots in the SIXTH round. The rest is history. He could have just torn the resume up long before his first Super Bowl ring, but Thomas E. Brady, Jr., as the document introduces him, learned to keep good records.