Former co-stars of Nickelodeon’s TV show Victorious, Ariana Grande and Victoria Justice are just two of the many celebrities caught in “the fappening.” Nude photos of the 21-year-olds (separately) have been posted on the image posting website 4Chan but both young women claim the images are fake. Justice is trying to take the high road. She wrote: “There have always been fake photos of me on the internet, but I will not be put in the position to defend myself as to which is real or what is fake.”
Grande, who has surpassed the success of Justice, just wants to get back to business. She wrote: “To every1 going on about my ‘nudes’ & my ‘m&g prices’ neither are real! my lil ass is a lot cuter than that lmao & tour details r comin soon.” (Dates for her Spring 2015 tour did follow.) Although Grande said she rejected her Catholic beliefs after Pope Benedict spoke out against gay marriage last year, she wrote about the fappening and those nude photos: “But forreal tho whoever thought those were actually me… … love u but I’m praying for u.”