For a company that just launched one of the most successful products in history–the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 plus–Apple is having to defend itself a lot. First the Apple cloud was hacked and the world was given the fappening as a result–a massive privacy invasion that focused on celebtrities but could have exposed anyone. Then the iOS update following the iPhone launch was glitchy–and Apple pulled it. And now people are talking about the iPhones bending, though Apple says it’s received nine complaints our of ten million about the issue. Still, CNBC goes so far as to call the iPhone bending issue ‘Bendgate.’
As hackers, journalists and cuckolds everywhere will tell you, once you start snooping around for one thing, you’ll find others. In order to reverse public uproar about the bending iPhones, Apple gave CNBC access to one of its secure testing facilities. CNBC’s cameras, like Apple watchers, see everything. Betanews notes that CNBC tweeted a pic that shows the Apple testing facility is running Windows XP! The Windows XP software is so old that Microsoft stopped support for it back in April. Lots of businesses still use XP, but it hardly fits with Apple’s reputation as the slickest, most modern company in the world. Bill Gates must love it. A quick, informal poll found that 0% of Genius Bar workers knew what XP was.