founder Gabi Gregg–plus-size beautiful woman and fashion blogger–may have started the big and proud trend currently best expressed at #Fatkini. But big-time adopters on Instagram have taken the pride worldwide. On the Internet, Rubenesque is the new skinny. Rumor has it some of the big beauty selfies being posted this summer are so voluptuous they even take half a second longer to disappear on Snapchat!
It’s part of a big social trend of having pride in who you are–in sync with all the anti-bullying campaigns out there. Last week a mom wearing her bikini in public for the first time after having five children fired off an open letter to young people who disparaged her–her letter galvanized enthusiastic support and got a million shares. Fat, previously a frowned upon word among plus-sizers, is instead being embraced this time around. It’s right there in the name: fatkini!