Comedic actor Ben Stiller is the celebrity put to the adventure test on tonight’s must-see episode of Running Wild with Bear Grylls. Grylls takes native New Yorker funnyman Stiller rock climbing on an unforgiving Scottish island. And it’s no joke. There are some serious moments of doubt but as Mike Hughes of The Californian says, “you end up liking both men” – if you don’t already.
Running Wild with Bear Grylls should be great training for Stiller if he’s really preparing for Dodgeball 2 and Zoolander 2 as his fans hope. Reports have Stiller and Vince Vaughan reuniting in Dodgeball 2, and Stiller and Owen Wilson returning as the dim-witted models Derek and Hansel — ten career-damaging years older — in Zoolander 2. Jennifer Aniston’s fiance Justin Theroux (The Leftovers), who helped Stiller write the script, has been announced as the director.