Companies long ago figured out elaborate rewards systems to keep customers faithful–and like parents trying to get a kid to eat broccoli they’re always trying to think up new rewards. After all, loyalty is the holy grail of branding. Yet it’s always endangered–even a tried-and-true brand like Levi’s, for instance, can get hammered when all the former jeans wearers start walking around in yoga pants. Marketers lay awake at night wondering: what’s a reward that’ll get customers coming back?
Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants figures why not reward people for something they’re already doing? Taking selfies, that is. Interacting with their brand. Companies pay a lot for advertising, but when you take a photo of yourself having a good time at the Kimpton Hotel and post in on Twitter, it’s essentially an ad and you don’t get paid anything. Well, now you do. You get some rewards points. Kimpton, founded in 1981 is the largest chain of boutique hotels in the US. You might want to start tweeting something about that.