If you’ve ever been in a vitamin store, then you know Adam Leeb has nerve. A Wall Street veteran with a mechanical engineering degree from MIT, Leeb determined that despite what seems like a saturated market, vitamin takers are actually underserved. So he packed his bags, left New York for his hometown Detroit, and founded SunDaily–a premium vitamin option.
Entrepreneurs are supposed to look for problems to solve, then engineer solutions. Great entrepreneurs see problems where others don’t. (Sure the founder of Five Guys burgers might have looked around at McDonald’s and Burger King and seen a virtual Vitamin Shoppe of options for burger lovers–but instead he saw an opening.) So what’s wrong with the imposing selection of vitamins currently available everywhere? Leeb points out that the formulas of the most popular vitamins are about as old as the Flintstones–the TV show and the vitamins named for it. Leeb’s company proposes to use new science and tailor its offerings to modern diets. SunDaily has hitched its star, so to speak, to the fact that 75% of Americans are vitamin D deficient–a deficiency that’s tough to counteract with diet alone. Leeb may be a visionary. He’s certainly got a couple of factors on his side. As a former Wall Streeter he knows there’s no ceiling on the market for premium goods. And he’s also proven he’s got a pretty good eye.