When The Masked Singer star Nicole Scherzinger shared the stunning photos below, of her in a white hot bikini with front tie, she suggested to her millions of followers: “Let discipline carry you when motivation won’t.”
She also reports that she completed a “beast mode” work out, took a plunge in an ice bath, and stretched out in the sauna. Swipe to see her puckered up at the sauna.
Scherzinger’s fans are going wild over the photos. As one writes: “She’s hot as a stove!” Another replied: “Sexy AF.”
As if the photos weren’t enough, Scherzinger shared the video above to prove that she stretched out in the sauna. Watch until the end, she puckers up for another kiss and melts hearts when she winks. Scherzinger captioned the video: “A little progress each day, adds up to big results.”
A few days before the bikini photos and video, Scherzinger shared the blonde photos above which had her fans comparing her to a Kardashian. Many fans were happy to see her back as a raven-haired beauty in the bikini shots. “Thank goodness it was a wig,” one fan sighed with relief.