Designer Michael Kors put in all the hard work they tell you to, but sometimes he really does seem pretty lucky too. Just because you design the absolute perfect dress for the incredibly glamorous Ciara doesn’t means she’s going to wear it. Doesn’t mean she’s going to put those famous legs in it.
Or that then she’s going to lip sync with you at the Met Gala, where of course you are as big a star as she is.
But that’s what happened for the former Project Runway design star judge. Yet it’s not the singing but what Ciara does for Kors’s glam metallic dress that’s got to make him feel the happiest.
You build the perfect ship and you’ve got to find someone to sail it. Ciara can sail — she’s got the wind at her back. Together they sing “American Woman” by The Guess Who. Keep swiping for the songs slide above, if you can push yourself past the other pics.
By the way, note to self: this his how you get ready for the Met Gala…