The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Deadly Dance Competition (originally titled Dancer in Danger) is proud mom Beth (Natasha Wilson). Her life is turned upside down when her teenage daughter, dancer Reagan (Brooke Maroon) goes missing. While Beth suspects Reagan’s dance rival Samantha (Rachel Turner) and her friend Mona (Lauren Albo) of funny business, the worried mom gets abducted by Kyle (Matthew Pohlkamp), the father of Reagan’s best friend Lina (Emma Jessop). The plot continues to twist and turn.
When not on a movie set, the gorgeous and talented actress Rachel Turner enjoys the great outdoors and sometimes in a bikini as seen in the stunning photos above and below. As one fan replied to the Malibu beach pic above, “Wowzer.”
Deadly Dance Competition premieres on Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) on Thursday, January 6, 2022.