The protagonist of the new Hallmark Channel movie The Santa Stakeout is police detective Tanya (Tamera Mowry-Housely). Responding to a string of heists taking place during holiday parties, she and her new partner Ryan (Paul Campbell) go undercover. They pose as newlyweds and move into the house next to the prime suspect, the same man playing Santa at all of the parties, Mr. Francis Miller.
Mr. Miller is portrayed by Joe Pantoliano. The Hoboken-born veteran actor is known for his roles on TV series including The Sopranos (Ralph Cifaretto) and in films including Risky Business (Guido), The Fugitive (Cosmo), Memento (Teddy), The Matrix movies (Cypher), Bad Boys movies (Captain Howard), Midnight Run (Eddie Moscone), and Goonies, among many others.
Above is Joe as Cypher in The Matrix. Below is Joe with Will Smith and on the set of Goonies.
The Santa Stakeout premieres on Hallmark Channel on Sunday, October 24 at 8 pm.