The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Malicious Motives is high student student Ashley (Revell Carpenter). When the popular teen needs a liver transplant, it turns out her shy classmate Katie (Juliana DeStefano) is her only donor match. Ashley’s big hurdle is Katie’s sister and legal guardian Sasha (Briana Femia). Katie is so desperate to help Ashley, she forges her sister’s signature and, well, things go terribly wrong after that and Ashley starts to question Katie’s motives.
When not on a movie set, the gorgeous and talented actress Revell Carpenter enjoys the great outdoors and sometimes in a tiny bikini as seen in the stunning photos above and below.
She captioned the close-up bikini pic: “Swipe for a puppy. Helps w the cringe.” One fan replied: “She’s hot and funny!“
Malicious Motives premieres on Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) on Friday, July 30 at 8 pm.