The protagonist of the Hallmark Channel movie Love in the Forecast is aspiring meteorologist Leah (Cindy Busby). After a number of disappointing relationships, Leah decides to take a break from dating.
Sure enough, that’s exactly when she befriends her handsome outdoorsy neighbor Mark (Christopher Russell), who turns out to be her Mr. Right.
Rochelle is portrayed by Canadian-born actress Donna Benedicto, who’s best known for her role as DEO Agent Reiff on the CW series Supergirl. Donna also looks amazing in a string bikini as seen in the gorgeous photos above and below (from a trip to Bali in January).
She captioned the backside photo below: “In the sea of big booty me and my lil bum just out here tryin to live.”
Love in the Forecast premieres on Hallmark Channel on Saturday, June 13 at 9 pm. [So many Hallmark movies, streaming here.]