On the Legacies episode “Kai Parker Screwed Us,” a series of events leads Josie (Kaylee Bryant), Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Alaric (Matthew Davis) to the prison world. There they come face to face with the twins’ evil uncle Kai Parker (Chris Wood). A new character named Wendy appears, she’s portrayed by 20-year-old Ronni Hawk.
When not filming Legacies, Ronni Hawk – who is best known for her roles as Rachel Diaz in the Disney series Stuck in the Middle and Olivia on Netflix’s On My Block — is often in front of a camera and in a bikini, and often with her legs open, as seen in the photos above and below.
Legacies airs Thursdays at 9 pm on CW, right after the new Archie Comics, Riverdale spin-off Katy Keene starring Lucy Hale. [Watch On Your PHONE: the CW Live On Demand TV app here. Download is FREE.]