Kourtney Kardashian posted an up-close portrait while wearing reflecting sunglasses that has fans going nuts. Though there isn’t much of Kourtney’s red outfit — a dress? a swimsuit? — visible in the pic, fans still got major “Baywatch vibes” from the photo.
Simon Huck of Command Entertainment told his half a million followers about “Baywatch vibes” while other fans chimed in “this is so Baywatch.”
Kourtney is certainly giving off power vibes — and her comment matches the pose: “Now listen to me very carefully…” she writes.
Fans are quick to acquiesce. “Whatever you say goes,” said more than one. “I always listen and I never regret it,” says another.
All that said, there are some other photos that might be a little more Baywatch Vibe-y, if only for the amount of material covering the body. Baywatch was a one-piece deal, right? How about the one above?
And then there is this, which we include just because. You know?