Sleaze, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. But the pop queen Nicki Minaj likes ’em both, and doesn’t always see why there should be a difference. Sleaze, Nicki seems constantly to assert, can be beautiful! (And also, you can spell it any damn way you want, like “SLEEEEEEZE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️” in her case.)
Now before you accuse us of calling Nicki Minaj sleazy, watch yourself. It isn’t us throwing labels around, it’s Nicki Minaj herself — and if you haven’t heard, she’ll do just as she pleases, or sleezes, thank you very much.
Esquire magazine called the hot months of 2018 the “summer of sleaze” — stating that “Sleazecore is a lifestyle.” Well there you have it.
Looks Like Minaj’s Harley Quinn has made sure her Joker and hubby got the SLEAZE fashion all the way up his leg. Khloe Kardashian was just one of many celebs who bowed to Minaj on this one. Kardashian responded with long row of crown emojis, suitable for this queen-level performance. Mo sleaze: