Miley Cyrus is known as a wrecking ball of a performer, blasting through anything in her way — especially preconceived notions about identity, genre or anything else. Most iconoclasts like Miley work alone — the loner aspect, the beat-of-a-different-drummer notion being part of the necessary attitude.
But this well-worn idea– the solo rule-buster — is yet another notion Miley annihilates. She’s a born collaborator. Maybe having grown up on TV, where it takes so many moving parts to produce a finished show, or maybe just having grown up around so many music greats put the team spirit in her. (Godmother Dolly Parton surely shared with Miley the secret joys of collaboration, even for a unique soul.)
For her latest collaboration, as Miley revivifies Charlie’s Angels with Ariana Grande and the enchanting Lana Del Rey — and she even has the good manners to thank Ariana for “having me apart of this!”. This is “our mood” she writes, as she stares into the camera from the center (where else?). The single is “Don’t Call Me Angel” and it’s #1 all over the place.