In the Lifetime movie Dating a Sociopath (original titled The Sweetheart), teenager Jane (Hannah Vandenbyggaart) is recovering from a car accident and her parents’ broken marriage. On top of that, her mother (Jessalyn Gilsig) starts to date Jane’s hot, young physical therapist (Jon Cor). Or as Jane’s friend Karli describes the scenario to Jane: “Your mother is cougar-ing her way into the heart and pants of a male model.”
Karli is portrayed by Canadian-born triple threat Taveeta Szymanowicz.
When not acting, singing or dancing on stage, 23-year-old Taveeta enjoys her downtime at the sea and in a bikini! [More Lifetime movies streaming are always available.]
Dating a Sociopath premieres on Lifetime on Friday, September the 13th! at 8 pm. [BONUS: Stream any Lifetime show anytime through the Lifetime Live On Demand TV app here. Download is FREE.]