In the Lifetime movie Killer Grandma (originally titled Killer in Law), Melissa (Kelly Sullivan) invites her husband Tom’s (Brett Zimmerman) mother Yvonne to live with her, her husband and their 8-year-old daughter Annie (Violet Hicks). Melissa later regrets the decision when she realizes Grandma plans to kidnap her daughter to replace her own dead child.
Killer Grandma Yvonne is portrayed by Nana Visitor. She’s best known for her roles on Dark Angel (Dr. Elizabeth Renfro aka Madame X), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Colonel Kira), Working Girl (Bryn Newhouse), and the daytime soap opera Ryan’s Hope (Nancy Feldman), among others. Killer Grandma premieres on Lifetime on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12 at 8 pm. [More Lifetime movies streaming are always available.]