In the The Real Housewives of New York City episode “Upstate Girls,” all the ladies including Bethenny Frankel, Dorinda Medley, Tinsley Mortimer, Sonja Morgan and Barbara Kavovit head upstate to see Luann de Lessep‘s new house. It’s a round house and it sits right on the Hudson River in the quaint town of Kingston, New York. It’s a quiet peaceful place for Luann to crash when not in the city or on tour.
Lu is currently on her Countess and Friends National Tour where she performs her cabaret act in big cities including Detroit. She recently posted a photo of herself backstage in the Motor City. Wearing a sheer-skirted backless dress by Jovani, and without her signature short shoulder-length hair, Luann looks unrecognizable with a super glamorous topknot. She is the definition of statuesque.
Not only does Luann like to dress up on tour but she likes to dress up her friends too. In Kingston, she brings the ladies to a cabaret show featuring an 80-year-old woman from Cuba named Margarita, who plays the keyboards, wears boas, and often forgets the words.
[Lu wears a sheer-skirted dress by Jovani]
When Bethenny says she didn’t bring anything appropriate to wear, Lu goes hunting in the house for something sparkly for the ladies to wear on their night out. Plus, as Sonja says, “Luann has Signature necklaces that can sparkle up anything.” The Real Housewives of New York City airs Wednesdays at 9 pm on Bravo.