Muddy Water Camo is known to be the first company to use hi-res photos of water and reflections in the pattern of their camouflage clothing. The realistic camouflage patterns incorporate images of flooded fields, cut corn, cattails, marsh grass – everything a duck hunter surrounds himself in when hunting waterfowl. The president of Muddy Water Camo, Steve Maloney, and professional wildlife photographer Stephen Kirkpatrick, pitched the company on Shark Tank in February 2013. They went into the Tank seeking an investment of $150,000 in exchange for 5 percent equity. Kevin O’Leary liked the licensing potential of the product and offered $150,000 for 20 percent but the Muddy Water Camo partners did not the accept the offer and alas, left the Tank without a deal.
[Muddy Water Camo products are on sale at Amazon]
On its website, Clear Image Camo, the holding company of The Muddy Water Camo says it has licensed its patent-protected product to many companies including American Greetings (wrapping paper and gift bags), Arctic Shield (dog kennel covers), Buck Knives (knives, cutlery), Cooler Graphics (beer coozies), and Styx River (boat seats), among others. The button to Shop at the site is not presently functioning, but the site promises that responses will be given within 48 hours to anyone inquiring about licensing the product. New episodes of Shark Tank air Sunday nights on ABC. [Related: 27 Favorite ‘Shark Tank’ Products at Amazon — New List]