In the NCIS episode “One Step Forward,” Gibbs (Mark Harmon) is approached by a young woman named Sara Carter. She’s in custody after punching a guard at a Navy Yard gate. Sara begs Gibbs to investigate the murder of her mother, retired Chief Petty Officer Meg Carter. She was shot and killed by an intruder in her own house. Sara believes the police have convicted the wrong man and that her mother’s murderer is still at large.
Sara Carter is portrayed by Skye P. Marshall. She’s known for her roles on CW’s Black Lightning (Kara Fowdy, see clip below), Major Crimes (Makisha Selby), Grey’s Anatomy (Mary Hodges), Shameless (June), 8 Days a Week (Zoe Daniels), and in the TV movie Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart (as Towanda Braxton), among others. NCIS airs Tuesdays at 8pm on CBS.