On the Little People, Big World episode “Trying Not to Freak Out,” Audrey’s due date passes so she and her husband Jeremy Roloff try not to freak out and wait. Meanwhile, patriarch Matt Roloff celebrates his children’s book which he dedicates to his first grandchild, Jackson, newborn son of Matt’s son Zach and his wife Tori.
[Matt Roloff’s children’s book Little Lucy Big Race is on sale at Amazon for $15]
Matt Roloff’s 32-page book is titled Little Lucy Big Race. Lucy is a shy little dog but over time she comes out of her shell despite her small size. It’s a story about everyone having potential and being special and it encourages kids to overcome adversity. Roloff self-published the hardcover book and is selling it for $16.95 on Matt Roloff Media. It is also available on Amazon (see link above, for $15 and change), beginning Thursday May 17. Little People, Big World airs Tuesdays at 8pm on TLC.