The short film Corazón is about a Dominican prostitute named Elena Ramirez (portrayed by Ana de Armas). Her clients don’t know that she’s dying and in need of a heart transplant. She makes the decision to leave Santo Domingo to follow an American cardiologist, Dr. Mario Garcia (Demian Bichir), who might be able to save her life at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, New York.

Corazon the film presented by Montefiore
The 48-minute film Corazón is based on a true story and is presented by Montefiore Health System. Directed by John Hillcoat, and written by Kelley Sane, it made its world premiere at the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival in April. Montefiore presents Corazón in partnership with Donate Life, an organization that encourages people to become organ donors. According to Donate Life, there are currently 115,000 patients in the U.S. waiting for a life-saving organ donation. But less than half will receive one. You can watch the film online for free.