The reality show Bridezillas that features temperamental and demanding brides is back for its eleventh season. For the March 9 premiere episode “Virgin Zilla & Cougar Zilla,” the cameras follow VirginZilla Michelle whose fiancé is upset that her best friend is throwing her a super sexy and wild bachelorette party. The groom-to-be explains that he doesn’t want anything “swinging in her face that isn’t mine.” That’s before he finds out that a stripper named Python performs at the party. The day after, Michelle’s fiance says “She did some inappropriate things and I feel like she was disloyal.” When Michelle disagrees, her fiance threatens not to show up at their wedding.
[Binge watch Bridezillas Seasons 1-10 on Amazon]
The other Bridezilla is CougarZilla Carmen. She is rightfully nervous because she ordered her wedding dress two sizes too small. She did it to challenge herself to really lose the weight she wanted to drop before her big day. “There is no other dress, it has to fit!’ she cries. But that’s not all that goes wrong. At the wedding rehearsal one of the groomsmen doesn’t show up. “He didn’t call, nothing,” says Carmen with tears in her eyes. When Carmen threatens to uninvite the absentee groomsman, her fiancé Isaiah says, “If he’s not there, I won’t be there.” Bridezillas airs Fridays at 10/9c on WEtv.