Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban gave Mavs guard J.J. Barrea — and Puerto Rico native — his private jet to help deliver relief supplies to Puerto Rico in the wake of the devastating hurricane damage done to the island by Maria. Barrea and Cuban reached out to their many connections to solicit help — and one company that came through big is HiSun Motors, the Chinese maker of All Terrain Vehicles. (The Cuban/Dallas/HiSun connection comes because HiSun USA established its American headquartered in Texas in 2007, and now has a 300,000 sq. foot facility there.)
HiSun also makes generators, which are sorely needed in Puerto Rico where the power grid has been demolished. The company sent dozens generators with Barrea to Puerto Rico. (Cuban has said his plane will make multiple trips in the relief effort.) HiSun has demonstrated this kind of generosity before — and recently. The company, along with the Guns & Hoses Foundation of North Texas, sent more than 260 generators to Houston in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Cuban shouted out his gratitude on Twitter.
HiSun sent
Thank you !!!!! https://t.co/9zXJv63nbd
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 28, 2017