In the Dateline episode “Scorned,” Keith Morrison investigates the 2012 disappearance and presumed murder of Cari Farver, a 37-year-old single mom who became involved in a love triangle. After Farver went missing, someone started sending disturbing texts to Farver’s mother Nancy Raney, as if written by Cari. But Nancy knew they were not written by her daughter. Then the person impersonating Farver opened a Facebook account under Farver’s name. Prosecutors claimed it was 41-year-old Shanna Golyar who took on the digital persona of Farver (for years) to cover up her disappearance and death. Golyar was dating the man Farver was also dating at the time of her disappearance.
In May 2017, Golyar was found guilty of first-degree and second-degree arson –while covering-up Farver’s death, according to Omaha World-Herald, “Golyar set fire to her home — killing her two dogs, cat and snake — and blamed Farver, whom she had killed nine months earlier.” Golyar was sentenced to life in prison in August. Dateline airs Fridays at 9pm on NBC.