Two sweat-related products are being pitched on Steve Harvey’s Funderdome. Tyler Conlin from Layton, Utah is looking for an investment in his ZeroSweat – a once-a-week antiperspirant for people who sweat a lot. He’s up against Sarah and Melissa from and their Hooded Infinity Sport Towel, “a stylish, wearable towel for the gym.”
[ZeroSweat is $18.99 on Amazon]
ZeroSweat is a liquid antiperspirant that claims to reduce sweating with just one application each week. Here’s how it works: Apply before going to bed, wait 2 or 3 minutes for it dry and then go to sleep. (Your sweat glands aren’t as active at night as during the day!) A 1.2 oz. fl. container lasts for two months and sells for $18.99 on Amazon (see link above). P.S. ZeroSweat also makes an antiperspirant for hands and feet. Steve Harvey’s Funderdome airs Sundays at 9pm on ABC.
[Check out all Steve Harvey’s Funderdome products