The name of the reality show Jill and Jessa: Counting On continues to be a misnomer. The cameras spend more time on the younger Duggar girls including newlyweds Joy and Jinger. Sure it’s Jessa Duggar Seewald who brings the family together to celebrate the first birthday of her baby boy Spurgeon but let’s face it, the more exciting moments are caught watching Joy and Austin and Jinger and Jeremy.
Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo just opened their own Instagram account in May and after 23 posts the married couple has more than 434,000 followers. So far, many of the posts are throwback photos of them at their wedding or on their honeymoon in Australia. But one photo in particular surprised many Duggar fans. On June 11, Jinger posted a photo of her, her former soccer player husband Jeremy, and Jeremy’s parents who were visiting the newlyweds in Texas. Jinger is wearing leggings under a dress. Wearing pants (or shorts) was forbidden by Jinger’s father. Jill and Jessa: Counting On airs Monday sat 9pm on TLC.