In the Dr. Miami episode ‘Drama Queens’, telenovela star Raquenel (My Life Is a Telenovela) visits Dr. Miami for a consultation. The plastic surgeon is surprised to learn that Raquenel doesn’t want her surgery broadcast to millions on social media like all of his other paitents. “Raquenel won’t even get naked in front of me,” says Dr. Miami. In the examination room, when Raquenel eventually disrobes in front of the camera (she keeps her underwear on), she is clearly nervous as Dr. Miami inspects her dented derriere, which she would like fixed.
[Left: Dr. Miami wrote ‘My Beautiful Mommy’ to explain plastic surgery to kids]
Since filming the episode, Raquenel appears very comfortable in her old/new skin. She’s posted a number of photos including the two bikini shots below. Dr. Miami airs Fridays at 10pm on WEtv.