Olympic hero Michael Phelps is a new ambassador for the Colgate EveryDropCounts initiative (see below), trying to educate the world about saving water — noting that every extra splash has consequences. This broad scope of concern marks a long road traveled for Phelps, who has detailed his battles with mental anguish that took him so dark and deep he just “didn’t want to be alive anymore. I just thought it was the best thing to do not to be here.” Phelps told CNN that he “rebuilt himself” to get to his new, stronger place. Now he wants to help rebuild the world, one drop at a time.
Phelps is a perfect spokesman for Colgate, which is also a perfect sponsor for the water project. Perhaps no one is more closely associated with water than Phelps and there’s no more obvious example of wasted water than leaving on the water while you brush your teeth — as Phelps informs, that’s 4 gallons of fresh water wasted every time. Phelps joins a cause everyone can get behind. Movie star Matt Damon is educating on water conservation too, as co-founder and spokesperson for Water.org. Damon has partnered with Stella Artois, the beer company, to help raise global awareness of the problem.