The HBO series Big Little Lies, based on Liane Moriarty’s New York Times bestselling novel, is set in the wealthy California town of Monterey. The action starts after a suspicious death happens at a fundraiser for an elementary school. Rivalries surface among four mothers – Renata Klein (Laura Dern), Celeste Wright (Nicole Kidman), Jane Chapman (Shailene Woodley), and Madeline Martha Mackenzie (Reese Witherspoon).
Madeline’s husband Ed is portrayed by Adam Scott. He’s known for his roles on The Good Place (Trevor), Parks and Recreation (Ben Wyatt), Party of Five (Josh Macon), and Boy Meets World (Griff), among others. Scott is also recognized for his roles in the films The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Ted Hendricks), Step Brothers (Derek), and The Aviator (Johnny Meyer). Big Little Lies airs Sundays at 9pm on HBO.