In The Simpsons episode ‘The Nightmare After Krustmas’, Krusty wants to please his daughter Sophie (guest star Natasha Lyonne) so he converts to Christianity. His outdoor winter baptism doesn’t go well. When he falls through the ice, Krusty has a hallucination and sees his late father Rabbi Hyman Krustofski, who died a 2014 episode. The Rabbi’s last words to Krusty were: “As for you, son, if you want to know my honest opinion of you, you’ve always been.. eh.”
[Jackie Mason’s live standup performances including The World According To Me can be viewed/streamed on Amazon]
The 85-year-old standup comedian Jackie Mason has voiced the Rabbi for four Simpsons episodes including “Like Father, Like Clown”, which won him an Emmy. In other episodes, Rabbi Krustofski is voiced by Dan Castellaneta. The Simpsons airs Sundays at 8pm on FOX.