Ghost of Shepherdstown is a six-episode series on TLC that follows a team of paranormal investigators who have been hired by the Chief of Police Sgt. Michael King to get rid of the paranormal activity in Shepherdstown, West Virginia (population 1,750 real life people). There are three people on the Ghosts of Shepherdstown team: paranormal investigator Nick Groff, paranormal tech guru Bill Hartley, and paranormal sensitive Elizabeth Saint.
In addition to being struck by lightning on two separate occasions, Smart earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and worked as an Engineer Technician for the U.S. Department of Defense. She lives in Colorado where she’s pursuing a line of engineered designs under the name Ghostly Gadgets. Ghosts of Shepherdstown airs Fridays at 8pm on TLC.
Tomorrow on @TLC there’s a Ghosts of Shepherdstown Special. Watch for updates on the town! #GoS
— Destination America (@DestAmerica) October 20, 2016