Sean Michael McGavic always knew he was adopted. He was adopted as a newborn baby in November 1978. But now he’s questioning the story he was told all along – that he came from St. Petersburg, Florida and that he would never be able to find his biological parents. As a teenager, Sean’s adoptive parents divorced. Now as a 37-year-old father, McGavic is looking through his baby book and has discovered pages filled with newspaper clippings regarding the Jim Jones cult mass murder suicide — which occurred in November 1978 in Guyana. Sean McGavic’s baby book also includes notes from a doctor in Argentina he cannot locate.
[Books and films about Jim Jones and his following include Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and His People]
McGavic allows Dateline to follow him on his journey and his search for his birth parents in a three-part Dateline special: “Meet Sean” is the first episode (October 21); “The Baby Book” is part 2; and “Sealed Records” is part 3. McGavic is urging people who might know something about his birth parents to connect him via email: [email protected]. Dateline airs Fridays at 9pm on NBC.