In the Season 1 finale episode of Million Dollar Matchmaker, ‘The Doormat and the Lazy Lion,’ the lazy lion refers to Ralph Rieckermann. The 54-year-old bass guitarist used to play with the German rock band Scorpions (1993-2003). When matchmaker Patti Stanger asks Rieckermann how many strippers he’s dated, he says he doesn’t know. Rieckermann is “notorious for having one-night stands,” says Stanger, who wants to break him out of the habit. (Rieckermann may have it in him — one of the band’s big hits was 1982’s monogamy tribute “There’s No One Like You.”)
On the show, Rieckermann says his date reached him in his hotel room. Stanger has a hard time believing they just talked in his hotel room. Fun fact about Rieckermann: His sister Katja Rieckermann is a regular saxophonist with Rod Stewart’s band. Million Dollar Matchmaker airs Fridays at 10pm on WEtv.