Only .02% of students who take the SAT get a perfect score. That’s about 3,000 kids among the 14 million who take the test every year. Student Shaan Patel discovered a way to turn his “average” SAT score of 1760 to a perfect 2400. And now he’s sharing his strategy via his company Prep Expert (formerly known as 2400 Expert). Patel, now an MD/MBA student at Yale and USC, pitched his business on Shark Tank in January and got a deal from billionaire investor Mark Cuban ($250k for 20 percent equity). One of the first things they did together was change the name of the company.
[SAT 2400 in Just 7 Steps: Perfect-Score Student Reveals How to Ace the Test
As Cuban explains in the video below: “The SATs are going old school. They’re going back from 2400 to 1600, and because of that we’re changing the name of 2400 Expert to Prep Expert.” Cuban says Shaan and his team will tutor more than 1 million students across 20 cities.
P.S. Patel isn’t all science and numbers. To help students/customers ace the new SAT Essay, he wrote a new guide, Prep Expert New SAT Essay which is #1 on the Amazon Best Seller list. Shark Tank airs Fridays at 9pm on ABC.
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Mark Cuban Announces 2400 Expert Name Change to Prep Expert from Prep Expert videos on Vimeo.