Colin Kaepernick was the most “disliked a lot” NFL player in a recent study by marketing gurus E-Poll Market Research, according to Darren Rovell at ESPN. E-Poll asked 1100 people with a demographic mix that resembles the nation. Since Kaepernick’s role on the 49ers has been reduced by inefficient play since he led the team to the 2013 Super Bowl, some of those voters may just be disgruntled Niners fans longing for Joe Montana days. But the Kaepernick enmity is likely more about his protests more than his football. When people outside of New England dislike you more than Tom Brady (13% “disliked a lot”), you’re pressing some buttons.
That’s what Kaepernick wants to do — press buttons, that is, not necessarily be disliked — though he’s admirably willing to risk his popularity for his cause. What’s more puzzling perhaps is the reluctant support of African Americans, at least as far as the poll indicates. While only 2% of that group put Kaerpnick in the “dislike a lot” basket, just 42% of African Americans gave Kaepernick a “like a lot” rating. Perhaps it was considered less of a character question and more of a football question, given Kaepernick’s decline in on-field performance.
Two years ago, only 16% of African-Americans said they liked Kaepernick a lot. Now, it’s 42%
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) September 21, 2016