Danielle Thomas was a promising young executive at Weight Watchers in Manhattan. The 27-year-old financial analyst shared an apartment with her Ivy League lawyer boyfriend Jason Bohn in Queens. In June 2012, when Bohn suspected Thomas made a phone call to another man, he beat Thomas so badly he broke nearly all of her ribs before he strangled her to death.
Bohn’s lawyer believes “there is no doubt that he [Bohn] is suffering from a mental illness.” The lawyer hired a forensic psychologist who discovered that Bohn’s mother had abandoned him at the age of 9 which allegedly triggered the mental illness. Bohn’s lawyer contended Bohn should not be held responsible for murder — due to his mental illness. In 2014, Bohn was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. The New York Post reported that in jail, Bohn has attempted suicide at least three times, “to alleviate everyone’s pain,” Bohn said. Sources said he slit his wrists in a jail cell, tried to hang himself and drank a poisonous liquid. 48 Hours will re-air its investigation by Troy Roberts on Saturday, August 13 at 9pm on CBS.