Dictionary.com released its list of 30 commonly mispronounced words as students head back to school. Students who favor studying in a coffee shop might be surprised to learn that they’ve been saying almond, caramel, croissant, and espresso, all wrong. But as many millennials might argue, that’s they’re prerogative [pri-rog–uh-tiv].
Below is the full list. To hear the correct audio pronuncaitions of each word, visit Dictionary.com.
Dictionary.com’s 30 Commonly Mispronounced Words:
- affidavit [af-i-dey-vit]
- almond [ah-muhnd, am–uh nd]
- beget [bih-get]
- cache [kash]
- caramel [kar–uh-muhl, -mel, kahr-muh l]
- coupon [koo-pon, kyoo-]
- croissant [Frenchkrwah-sahn; English kruh–sahnt]
- epitome [ih-pit–uh-mee]
- espresso [e-spres-oh]
- et cetera [et set-er-uh, se-truh]
- façade [fuh–sahd, fa-]
- fiery [fahyuhr-ee, fahy–uh-ree]
- genre [zhahn-ruh; Frenchzhahn–ruh]
- haute [oht]
- hyperbole [hahy-pur-buh-lee]
- lambaste [lam-beyst, –bast]
- mauve [mohv]
- mischievous [mis-chuh-vuhs]
- niche [nich]
- peony [pee–uh-nee]
- prerogative [pri-rog–uh-tiv, puh–rog-]
- quinoa [keen-wah, kee-noh–uh]
- reservoir [rez-er-vwahr, -vwawr, -vawr, rez–uh-]
- salmon [sam–uhn]
- sherbet [shur-bit]
- turmeric [tur-mer-ik]
- verbiage [vur-bee-ij]
- Weimaraner [vahy-muh-rah-ner, wahy-, wahy-muh-rey-]
- whet [hwet, wet]
- Worcestershire [woos-ter-sheer, -sher]