Jeremy Lin owns the Linsanity trademark, having recently prevailed after a legal battle that reportedly lasted as long as Lin’s time at Harvard. (And much longer than the actual Linsanity phenomenon.) Despite Lin’s massive undiminished popularity, the phrase Linsanity is a little tired — sort of stuck in its time and place. And that place is on the wrong side of the East River. The new name for the forthcoming Jeremy Lin phenomenon is Brook-Lin, of course, with Lin having joined the Brooklyn Nets.
[Jeremy Lin Sends Brooklyn 5 Messages In 1 Photo]
Now the Brook-Lin name belongs to Lin too, as it awaits approval by the USPTO. Lin didn’t have to work as hard to acquire the new appellation. NetsDaily reports that a fan registered the trademark on July 1, after Lin’s $36M deal was announced. Then the fan just gave it to Lin, whose name now graces the application. The gift is easily valued at seven figures, depending on how Lin chooses to use it. Lin has said before — and he’ll no doubt say again — he has the best fans in the world.