VC Mary Meeker’s internet trends report is always good for some Wow! moments. Highlights she presented at the recent Code Conference was no exception. Did you know that Facebook’s internet advertising grew by 56% in 2015, while Google’s rose just 18%? And it’s not just the Internet Meeker surveys, but the broader world in order to deliver perspective to what we do digitally.
For instance Uber’s business model — at least the driving part of it — can be immediately grasped when you read a single statistic: the average American’s car is in use only 4% of the time. BTW, want to know if the market is ripe for self-driving cars, even outside industrial use (which will be huge)? Try on this stat: just 77% of Americans age 16-44 possess drivers licenses today, versus 92% in that age group back in the early 1980s.