On The Real Housewives of Dallas episode “Locken Loaded,” LeeAnne Locken is once again confronting a wealthy white woman for spreading gossip (Marie Reyes is the target this episode). When not filming Locken arguing in the streets of Dallas, the camera turns to the other ladies who are dealing with their sometimes disappointing husbands. Brandi Redmond is upset because her husband Bryan doesn’t show up at a barbeque. Stephanie Hollman tries to tolerate her husband Travis when he micromanages a bedroom renovation. (Note: Travis is the one who just bought his Real Housewife a $75,000 diamond bracelet).
And then there’s Cary Deuber whose plastic surgeon husband Dr. Mark Deuber wants to use sexy photos of Cary to attract new customers. (Nurse Cary works with Mark as his operative assistant.) She has an amazing body and she’s already posing for the business (see above and below), so why not push the envelope? The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Mondays at 10pm on Bravo.