In the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episode “Sheltered Outcasts,” while NYPD detective Nick Carisi (Peter Scanavino) goes undercover at the homeless shelter to figure out if a serial rapist is living there, Detective Rollings (Kelli Giddish) questions Richie Caskey who later gets the help of counselor Tom Zimmerman (Scott Grimes).
Richie Caskey is portrayed by Michael Rapaport. He’s known for his roles on Public Morals, Justified (with Scott Grimes!), Prison Break (Don Self), My Name Is Earl (Frank), Boston Public (Danny Hanson), and Friends (Gary, Phoebe’s cop boyfriend). Rapaport is also recognized for his roles in the films Mighty Aphrodite and The Basketball Diaries. Law & Order: SVU airs Wednesdays at 10pm on NBC.