Anybody — that is, any meat eater — viewing Donald Trump’s 2007 video pitch for Trump Steaks has to admit: Trump is a very good pitchman. What that ability has to do with being a good president is anybody’s guess. But Trump has proven his pitchman skill is very good when it comes to running for president. In the Trump Steaks video below, Trump pretty much promises these steaks will make your mind and stomach great again. Like America.
“Trump Steaks are the world’s greatest steaks and I mean that in every sense of the word,” he promises. It’s stated with a by-now familiar certainty: the same certainty with which he promises he’ll not only build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, but it’ll be a “beautiful wall.” Trump Steaks may or may not exist anymore — let the reporters and politicians investigate it out — but Trump can now surely reintroduce the brand and mint another small fortune. Unless of course the majority of his supporters, angry about economic policy that marginalizes them, can no longer afford them.