This summer you can buy a bottle of Coke with a song lyric on it. 70 different ones, actually. With the dressed up packaging, Coca-Cola rekindles its long association with song, most memorably established when the brand first wanted to “teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.” Having the whole world sing together was a mighty tall order, so this summer the brand gets more realistic. Each can just gives a little taste of the tune, which you consume yourself. Samples include:
— “We are the champions.”
— “I’m on top of the world.”
— “Always on my mind.”
— “All I do is win.”
The ad campaign will span Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coke Zero and Coca-Cola Life. The brand has taken lyrics from more 70 songs, according to Ad Age. Scan the code on some special bottles with Shazam and you’ll be able to record a lip-sync video to share with the #shareacoke hashtag. The “Share a Coke and a Song” campaign originated in China in 2014. It’ll hit here in May.