The popular reality TV show Chrisley Knows Best follows the eccentric, wealthy Todd Chrisley, his wife Julie and their kids. Now that the older kids have left the nest (Chase and Savannah left for college), the Chrisleys are looking for some company. USA Network has organized a “Can You Chrisley?” sweepstakes. The grand prize is to meet and greet “certain members of the Chrisley family” at an event in Nashville. The prize includes roundtrip airfare for you and a guest (coach), a two-night stay at a hotel, and $200 spending money. The value of the trip is $4,999.
The Can You Chrisley? sweepstakes ends April 12, 2016. The prize will be fulfilled in July 2016. Here’s how to enter. Or, you can just enjoy the family from afar. New episodes of Chrisley Knows Best airs Tuesdays at 10pm on USA.