The TV movie Manson’s Lost Girls tells the true story of Linda Kasabian (Mackenzie Mauzy) and other young women who joined Charles Manson‘s “family.” In August 1969, the heavily drugged cult went on a killing spree that became known as “Helter Skelter” and which included the brutal death of actress Sharon Tate and her unborn baby. Kasabian eventually turned herself in and helped to convict Manson.
[Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders is available on Amazon]
Charles Manson is portrayed By Jeff Ward. Since becoming a professional actor in 2004, he’s appeared in several TV shows including Law & Order: Criminal Intent (Darwin Mondale), Book of Proof (Patrick Spradlin), and The Mentalist (Matthew Stoppard). Manson’s Lost Girls premieres February 6 at 8pm on Lifetime. It will air again on February 7 at 12am.