During the two-part TV special Madoff, the story of New York City financier Bernie Madoff (portrayed by Richard Dreyfuss) unravels. When caught bilking billions from his clients, Madoff’s relationships come undone — with everyone including his wife Ruth (portrayed by Blythe Danner) and his sons who were involved in his business. Madoff’s secretary of 25 years, Eleanor Squillari, helped the Feds send Madoff to prison. Squillari says she had no idea of her boss’s Ponzi scheme.
[The bestselling book Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust is available on Amazon]
In Madoff, Eleanor Squillari is portrayed by Erin Cummings. She’s best known for her roles on The Astronaut Wives Club (Marge Slayton), Made in Jersey (Bonnie Garretti), Pan Am (Ginny Saddler), Mad Men (Candace) and Spartacus: War of the Damned (Sura). The first part of Madoff airs February 2 at 8pm on ABC.